Ultrasound diagnostics
How it works:
Ultrasound (also called sonography or sonogram) is the use of sound waves to see structures hidden within other structures.
Working similarly to radar, an ultrasound probe emits sound waves which bounce off of structures in differing waves back to the transducer. These returning sound waves are then “read” by the computer producing an image on the screen.
Ultrasound is like radiography (x-rays) in that it allows us to visualize internal structures quickly and without trauma. In contrast to x-rays, ultrasound is useful in viewing soft-tissue structures instead of bone. In addition to this it does not utilize any radiation in its use.
What this means for you:
Pregnancy diagnosis can be performed on mares that are a minimum of 16 days pregnant.
In addition to horses pregnancy can also be diagnosed on dogs and cats as early as 20-25 days into the pregnancy.
Ultrasound is also used for performing artificial insemination of horses. In order to achieve high conception rates, it is imperative to inseminate within 12 hours of ovulation. The ultrasound allows us to “look” at the ovaries and watch them as they develop egg containing follicles. Then just before the release of the egg – ovulation – insemination can be performed.
With AI timing is everything and ultrasound makes it possible.
Tendons are another soft-tissue structure for which ultrasound is very useful. Common in the horse, tendon injuries can result in a crippling injury. Ultrsonography of a tendon injury allows us to see the extent of the injury so that proper treatment can be instituted, including some that use the ultrasound to guide exact placement of the treatment.
While not difficult to diagnose, it is almost impossible to know for sure when a tendon injury has completely healed. Returning a horse to work
or play before complete healing has occurred can result in lifelong lameness.
Diagnosis, treatment, and healing monitoring are all performed with the help of ultrasound when tendon injuries occur in the horse.
How to have us come ultrasound your animal:
This is the best and most simple part – you can request and appointment right now and we will schedule you today!