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All Posts in Category: Small Ruminant

On-site Imaging

Portable digital radiology means that you can have the best radiology services at your convenience. Whether you have a horse, a dog, or even a goat, Mobile Veterinary Service can come to you and your animal and immediately acquire the images necessary for a prompt and accurate diagnosis. Contact us today to set up an […]

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Failure of Passive Transfer

Failure of Passive Transfer by Ben J. Character, DVM Failure of passive transfer occurs when a newborn does not receive colostrum (“first milk”) from it’s mother.  The colostrum contains antibodies that protect the newborn from infection, until it’s own immune system can defend itself.    Unlike humans and some other species of animals, most of […]

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Cancer and Our Furry Friends

Dogs and cats are now living longer and more full lives due to advancements in health care available. Because of their longer life spans, we are encountering more and more cases of neoplastic disease, i.e., cancer.   Tumors occur when the normal cells begin acting in abnormal ways.  They begin multiplying uncontrollably, and will sometimes produce normal […]

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Can you remember your last visit to the emergency room? Most of us have had to have medical assistance after the doctor’s office has closed.  The same is true for our pets.  Over half of our patients have needed emergency treatment at some time in their lives. There are numerous reasons why a pet may […]

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Toxic plant alert

Perilla Mint – toxic plant alert Toxic plant are around us all and our animals all the time.   Usually a small dose is not enough to cause a problem.   However, when conditions are right and the dose is high enough toxic plants can be deadly. A common time of concern is when normal feed/pasture is […]

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Diagnostics: Ultrasound

Ultrasound diagnostics How it works: Ultrasound (also called sonography or sonogram) is the use of sound waves to see structures hidden within other structures. Working similarly to radar, an ultrasound probe emits sound waves which bounce off of structures in differing waves back to the transducer.  These returning sound waves are then “read” by the […]

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